Thursday, 29 October 2009

On Exercising

My other readerless blog chronicles the trials and tribulations of my efforts to become fitter and leaner.  During the course of the last 6 weeks I've been encouraged to do all manner of exercises that target specific areas of my aging flabby body.  I'd like to highlight some of those exercises in more detail here.

The Plank

Getting this nailed down correctly can often go against the grain but don't go overboard if you're feeling all at sea about how to approach this.  If you're only capable of 2 short planks you could try adding a triple Selco or possibly a long wait, sometimes known as a Travis Perkins.  Try not to gloss over any rough edges and with application your plank should be polished.

Crunches and Dips

In my time I've done many of these so I feel I can hand them to you on a plate.  Whilst dips should be smooth and deep, crunches should be crisp and bite hard.  I've always found them good to start with but don't bite off more than you can chew, and don't make them jerky.


I often feel I need to brush up on these to get them straightened out.  Looking at my picture you'll probably agree that I need more.  When I was younger I thought I could cut them out completely but now that I'm older I find I have to stick them back in again.  It may sound like splitting hairs but it's a price I've had to pay.


Even if you can't abide them, there should always be a home for squats in your plan.  Power may be a problem when it comes to squats.  You can live without power but don't compromise on style.  Try to get the style right and you'll be in the right neighbourhood.  If you can get style and power then you'll be on the right road and feeling right at home with this most economical exercise.  Break in some squats as soon as you can.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Limericks of the day

On a train that was destined for Crewe
I decided I needed a poo
I charged down the aisle
But the aisle had some guile
And side-stepped me passed Waterloo

In the midst of an important meeting
I had the desire, rather fleeting
To dance the fandango
With the girl from the quango
Just to stop her monotonous bleating

Descending with no parachute
I concluded was really a hoot
So I jumped from the plane
Then I did it again
Did I mention that I was a Coot?

When rhyming one word with another
I feel it is best to discover
The meaning of each
It's like freedom of speech
A gift from the tongue of your Mother